Thursday 30 July 2015

Interview tips : Audit firm

Siapa yang suke pergi interview? Whoa. Thats really not me. Kenapa aku tak suke pergi interview? Sebab aku nervous bila nervous aku lupa. Confident level jangan cakap lah. Mesti dah lari awal2. Aku ada lah experience interview, aku dpt rasakan... experience itu penting untuk self confident... hiks..

First time aku pergi interview masa untuk masuk Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). Masa tu aku gune result percubaan SPM.. then aku qualified utk pergi interview. Whop whopp why not kan?  Mcm mana interview kat sana? Masa tu kene tdo UTP semalam ke dua malam gitu.. firstly, dorang bahagikan ikot group. Masa aku tu 6 orang 1 group. Then... kene buat cm muet. Dia bagi tajuk, sorang pro sorang cons discuss. Then,masa tu aku masih memalu. So.. sume point dalam kepala aku, dah kene tibai awal2 dengan dak lain.. ada sorang dak pompuan ni.. dia memang outstanding gila. Aku pon teruja dengar dia cakap.. memang boleh nampak confident level dia tinggi. Rasanyaa... mase tu kene discuss about global warming.. bila ada discussion dalam group ni, memang kite kene betul2 outstanding. Menonjol sket supaya tak tenggelam dalam group tu.

Then... ade interview sorang2 dengan interviewer. You know what. He ask me..... tell me about yourself... what can you expect from a 17 years old student? Masa ni memang aku zero gile sal interview dan aku pon takde lah nak google2 ke pebende sebab masa ni pakai hp biasa je. Teka la apa aku jawap? Hahahahaha.... dengan noob nya aku speaking bercakap sal family sendri.. aku anak tunggal.. parents aku keje apa.. hahahahaha. Gler noob jawapan... masuk universiti... aku blajo cara2 nak jawap soklan gitu. Sebenarnya... kau tak perlu lah nak cite sal family.hahahahahah... okay boleh google ada banyak cara nak jawap soklan tu..  

Recently... aku buat job hunting. Zaman berjimba ponteng class dah habes. So... aku diberi peluang untuk pergi interview kat satu audit firm ni... one of big 4.. ade few assessment kene buat..

1. Online assessment
2. Account assessment
3. Essay
4. Interview

So... online assessment ni cuma nak tengok kau lepas ke tak untuk panggilan interview... bila dah dipanggil interview.. ada few questions related to accounts.. then... need to write an essay... not less than 150 words ( i didnt count). Then interview session....

Warning... what you write in the essay will be ask by the interviewer. So.. dont make up a fake story okay? Face palm.

The question is like... what is ur important decision so far.... krikkk krikkkk. Okay next.. the most favourite question is... TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF. Hahaha. Kenot runnn la from this type of question. So.. i ady prepare the answer.. i tell em about what i did during university.. what type of activity i joined..

Next... they ask me... EXPLAIN YOUR FAVOURITE STANDARD. ohhhhh crap! Luckily i revise few standard. And my fav standard and the easiest to answer is MFRS 116 PLANT, PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT. Hiks.... then they ask me about how to make sure the assets really exist... asertions things. Bla bla bla....

Oh ya! They ask me.. what do u see urself 3-5 years in the future? Oh crap. I forgot to prepare this kind of question. I simply goreng lah. I said.. i want to be in senior,manager or director position. Then they said. Hey to be a director, you need more than 10 years experience. Zzzzzzzzz. Hahahahahaha. But its okay la. Its just a prediction right. There is no right or wrong answer. Its just that your answer should be realistic la girl. Hihihihi

So guys... if you are in audit field.. kindly revise and remember a few standard okay! They might ask. Just be prepared. And dont forget to revise the audit reference books! They might ask about asertions and basic procedure. Hew hew...

When it comes to the end of interview session. They will ask... DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? ask guyssssss. Ask a lot of question. They will be happy answering it. I have few suggestions..

1. Do you provide sponsorship for ACCA?
2. What about salary?
3. When can i get the result of the interview?
4. How about promotions?

And so on...

Okay goodluck guys! Dont panic. Its okay to attend more than 1 job interview. Its about experience guyssss! Diterima atau ditolak itu belakang cerita. Atleast, we have the experience.

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